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Showing 157–168 of 190 results

  • Cherrypellets Studio Front Ml | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldCherry Pellets Lifestyle Pour Multilingual 001 Web | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – Cherry Wood Pellets – 9kg


    Best wood pellets for ribs, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and baked goods.

  • Chicken Rub International Label | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldChicken Rub International | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – CHICKEN RUB 9 OZ


    From whole roasted chicken to turkey burgers, give all your poultry a flavour boost with Traeger Chicken Rub.

    Black pepper and chili powder team up with citrus and cane sugar for a deliciously balanced addition to chicken and other poultry.

  • Coffee Rub International Label | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldCoffee Rub International | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – COFFEE RUB 8.25 OZ


    Give your meats a serious wake-up call with Traeger Coffee Rub. More traditional spices like garlic, paprika, and black pepper get a boost from coffee and cocoa to add a bold dose of flavor to anything you shake this rub on. Give it a try and see what all the buzz is about

  • Fin And Feather Rub International Label | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldFin And Feather International | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – FIN & FEATHER RUB


    Amp up the flavour of everything from turkey to trout with Traeger Fin & Feather Rub. This savoury rub features garlic, onion, and just a hint of spiciness to complement that flavour of fish and fowl without overpowering it.

  • Hickorypellets Studio Front Ml | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldHickory Pellets Lifestyle Pour Multilingual 001 Web | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – Hickory Wood Pellets – 9kg


    Best wood pellets for brisket, tri-tip, other beef cuts, chicken, turkey, pork, and vegetables.

  • Bac620 Traeger Induction Cast Iron Skillet 003 Web | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldBac620 Traeger Induction Cast Iron Skillet 002 Web | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – Induction Cast Iron Skillet


    Engineered specifically for the Traeger Induction™ cooktop, this Cast Iron Skillet is perfect for finishing steaks with a screaming-hot sear, sautéing veggies, and more. It’s designed to work seamlessly with Traeger Induction for premium performance, and it’s made with enameled cast iron so it’s ready to use right out of the box.

  • Irnwd650 Cover | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – Ironwood D2 650


    Keep your Ironwood 650 protected with an all-weather resistant full-length cover. From sun and wind, to rain and snow, this heavy-duty cover will guard your grill from the elements with relentless resolve.

  • Cover Ironwood 885 | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – Ironwood D2 885 Cover


    A grill of this calibre deserves an all-weather resistant, heavy-duty cover. The full-length grill cover will protect your Ironwood 885 from the elements, eliminating any threat from the sun, snow, wind or rain.

  • Jerky Rub International Label | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldJerky Rub International | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – JERKY RUB


    Combine your favorite protein with real wood smoke and Traeger Jerky Rub to get the best jerky you’ve ever had. Loaded with soy sauce, brown sugar, chili powder, & bell pepper, it was born to make jerky – but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be great on a steak, too.

  • Bac610 Modifire Fish And Veggie Stainless Steel Grill Tray 006 Web | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldBac610 Modifire Fish And Veggie Stainless Steel Grill Tray 009 Web | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – ModiFIRE Fish & Veggie Stainless Steel Grill Tray


    Never lose another shrimp or pepper slice through the grill grates again. The ModiFIRE® Fish & Veggie Stainless Steel Grill Tray keeps chopped veggies, meatballs, and other small food items from falling into the fire.

  • Bac609 Modifire Reversible Cast Iron Griddle Lifestyle 001 Web | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldBac609Modifire Reversible Cast Iron Griddle 001 Web | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – ModiFIRE Reversible Cast Iron Griddle


    Expand the capabilities of your Traeger grill even more with the ModiFIRE® Reversible Cast Iron Griddle. Designed to fit securely on the grill grate of all ModiFIRE-compatible Traeger grills, this reversible griddle features a flat side that’s ideal for tasks like frying eggs & bacon and a ridged side for getting perfect sear marks. A recessed channel allows grease to drain directly into your grill’s EZ-Clean™ Grease & Ash Keg for ultimate convenience. It’s also crafted with cast iron for excellent heat retention and features an enamel coating so it’s ready to cook with right out of the box.

  • Pork And Poultry Rub International Label | Urban Garden Space, LichfieldPork And Poultry Rub International | Urban Garden Space, Lichfield

    Traeger – PORK & POULTRY RUB 9.25 OZ


    Give your pork the treatment it deserves by seasoning it with this sweet & savory rub. Featuring brown sugar with paprika, garlic, and other spices, it will bring out the best in your pork whether you’re grilling, roasting, or smoking it.